
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

maan najah fil imtihan

selamat menempuh peperiksaan dunia to all my studnt.
Allah did not promise that life would be easy, but HE did promise to go with you..
Every step of your life, with him by your side...

usaha ikut kemampuan diri. study biasa, result biar luar biasa. usaha+doa+tawakal=kejayaan.

sentiasa bergantung harap pada Allah kerana dia yang Maha Memberi. do the best.

Take a moment now to dream and to think what you really want for your life.

semoga dpat jumpa lagi untuk semester dpn jika diizinkanNya...
to all my studnt, love u all very much. buat yang terbaik untuk hidup.

tolong agama Allah, insya Allah Allah akan tolong kita...

good luck

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